Téma prezentace: War against terrorism
Typ souboru: prezentace PPTX
Přidal(a): Tereza
Popis materiálu:
Tato krátká prezentace shrnuje myšlenky týkající se terorismu v angličtině, je tedy vhodná jako podklad do hodin anglického jazyka.
- War against terrorism don´t mean 1 specific war, it´s conception which has international meaning
- Goal of this war is for example destroy terrorism organisations like Al-Káida etc.
- WHO x WHO ?
- It´s not easy to say it. We can say that all the civilized world combat against terrorism, but the main participant is the USA
- I want to tell you about 11. september 2001
- 2 aeroplanes were crashed into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. There died 2 606 people.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZj47N0J2r0
- We can´t say who is winner. We can just hope that everything will be ok and that terrorism don´t affect us or our friends, familly etc
- It is a long combat