Téma prezentace: New York City
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Přidal(a): Jakub Szabo
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Tato prezentace obsahuje informace o New York city. Práce je v PDF a je zpracována v angličtině, je tedy vhodná do hodin anglického jazyka.
Country: United States of America State: New York Counties: Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens, Richmond Population : 8 336 000 History The first documented visit by a European was in 1524 by Giovanni da Verrazzano (Nouvelle Angouleme) The first settlement was build by Netherland in 1614. (Nieuw Amsetrdam) September 11, 2001 attacks Huriccane Sandy 2012 Geography New York covers 54,556 square miles (141 000) 27 largest state by size New York is located in the northeastern United States Town River Hudson Most of the city is situated on the islands of Manhattan, Staten Island and Long Island Transport Public transport in New York used mainly in the United States. New York City Subway is the largest in the world with 468 stations on 26 lines, and among the oldest in the world In the city operates 13 000 taxis New York is the most important and busiest intersection airline in the United States. Boroughs Manhattan (1,620,867 inhabitants) is the most densely populated part of the city, home to most of skyscrapers and Central Park.(New York Stock Exchange,Wall street) The Bronx (1,373,659 inhabitants) There is Yankee stadium. In the Bronx is Bronx Zoo, the largest metropolitan zoo in the United States. Brooklyn (2,528,050 inhabitants) is the most populous district in New York. Queens (2,270,338 inhabitants) In Queens, there are two major New York airports, LaGuardia and JFK. Staten Island (481 613 obyvatel) On Staten Island is a park with an area of 25 km ² Places that I recommend to visit