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Canada (Aj)

Téma prezentace: Canada
Typ souboru: prezentace PPTX
Přidal(a): El

Popis materiálu:
Prezentace na téma Kanada v anglickém jazyce. Obsahuje tyto body: geography, nature, inhabitants, natural resources, political system, history, Quebec, sports, Winter Olympics 2010, famous people.
vSituated in northern part of Nort America
vIt is the second largest country in the world
vIt borders the USA in the south and Alaska in the northwest
vDivided into ten provinces and three territories
vThe capital city is Ottawa in Ontario
vCountry of lakes
vThe largest are Lake Erie and Ontario, between them are the famous Niagara Falls
vIt lies on the Canadian border with the USA
vThere are many rivers, the Mackenzie and St Lawrence are the longest
vAlong the west coast are the Canadian Rocky Mountains
vThe highest mountain is Mt. Logan
vContinental climate with cold snowy winters, warm summers
vThe north has a polar climate
vSouthern part of the country is covered with forests
vMany kinds of animals live there – the beaver – Canadian national animal, the moose, the black bear,  the grizzly bear and coyote
Natural Resources
vVery rich because of its natural resources
vLarge deposits of coal, iron, petroleum, gas, copper, zinc, gold, silver, uranium etc.
vThe greatest resources are forests
vCanada is a major producer of wood and paper
vOne of the biggest producers of wheat
vDespite its big size it has relatively small population (30 million people)
vAbout 45% of them are of British origin, about 30% of French origin and over 20% are of European origin
vOriginal ingabitants were Indians and Eskimos
vCanada has two official languages – English and French
Political system
vConstitutional monarchy
vBelongs to the Commonwealth,the head of the state is Queen Elizabeth II.
vHer representative is the Governor-General
vThe real head of the state is the Prime Minister
vThe Flag of Canada consist of two red vertical stripes and in the middle is a white stripe with maple leaf
vOriginal inhabitants came to Canada between 10 or 25 thousand years ago from Asia
vThe first Europeans were the Vikings
vDuring the Age of discoveries some navigators (e.g. Jacques Cartier) landed on the Canadian coast
vIn the 16th century large territories were occupied by the French people, but they lost this country in wars with England
vCanada became a British colony
vQuebec is the capital city of the province with same name
vThe city has about half a million of inhabitants
vThere is still a town wall (since 1985 it is included in sights of UNESCO)
vCanada is excellent in many kinds of sports
vIt is cradle of ice hockey
vOther popular sports are curling, football, basketball and lacrosse.
Winter Olympics 2010
vThe 21st Winter Olympics were one of the major international multi-sport event held from February 12 to February 28, 2010 in Vancouver, British Columbia
v2,600 athletes from 82 nations participated
vCanada hosted the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal (Quebec) and the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary (Alberta)
ÒWinter olympics participants
Famous people
Famous Canadians are for example singers Avril Lavigne, Carly Rae Jepsen and Celine Dion or actress Nina Dobrev