Téma prezentace: Jack London – Martin Eden
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Prezentace v angličtině o spisovateli Jacku Londonovi, která je rovněž zaměřená na rozbor jeho díla – Martin Eden.
Jack London
- John Griffith Chaney
- an American author, journalist, and social activist
- Born: January 12, 1876
- San Francisco, California, US
- Died: November 22, 1916 Glen Ellen, California, US
- life
- lived in the lowest part of society in his youth
- decided to change his life by intellectual effort
- his works were rejected many times
- at last succeeded and became a millionaire
- fame and upper class life made him feel boring; committed suicide
- The Call of the Wild
- (story of a dog)
- White Fang (story of a wolf)
- The Sea Wolf
- Martin Eden
- South Sea Tales
- The Cruise of the Snark
- Martin eden
- a former sailor from a working class background who falls in love with a young bourgeois woman and decides to educate himself at becoming a writer, so he can win her hand in marriage
- Martin eden
- main characters: Martin Eden, Ruth Morse, Lizzie Connolly, Joe Dawson, Russ Brissenden
- major themes: social class, machinery, individualism versus socialism
- background: filling its pages with his frustrations, when he was on two-year voyage. The character of Ruth Morse was modelled on Mabel Applegarth – the first love of London’s life.