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J. K. Rowling (Aj)

Téma prezentace: J. K. Rowling
Typ souboru: prezentace PPT
Přidal(a): lulisek88

Popis materiálu:
V této anglické prezentaci najdete popsán život spisovatelky J. K. Rowling. Samozřejmě nechybí ani informace o jejím slavném Harry Potterovi.

  • Biography
  • She was born in July 1965 at Yate.
  • She is a British novelist.
  • Rowling moved to London and worked as a researcher at Amnesty International.
  • Rowling and her boyfriend decided to move to Manchester.
  • In 1990, when the train was four hours late, she made up a story about a boy who attends the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
  • Rowling then moved to northern Portugal.
  • She married in October 1992 and they had a daughter named Jessica Isabel Rowling Arantes.
  • When the marriage ended, she and Jessica returned to the UK.


  • Harry Potter
  • In June 1997, Bloomsbury published Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone– the novel won Children’s Book Award.
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was published in July 1998- Rowling won the Smarties Prize.
  • In December 1999- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban -> she won the Smarties Prize, making her the first person to win the award three times running.
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Firewas published on 8th July 2000 with a record first print run of 1 million copies for the UK.
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixwas published in2003-> broke the records as the fastest selling book in history.
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Princewas published in the in 2005.
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was published in 2007.
  • It is the story of three friends-Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. They are students at School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where they experience various adventures. Their enemy is the Dark wizard Lord Voldemord who wants to become immortal and wants to overrun the wizarding world. Harry Potter defeated him and the good wins over the evil.


  • Other books
  • The Casual Vacancy was published in English in September 2012->her first novel for adults.
  • The Cuckoo’s Calling, her first crime novel which was published this year.

Prepared by: Šárka Vlčková, IV.A
