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Endangered species (Aj)

Téma prezentace: Endangered species
Typ souboru: prezentace PPTX
Přidal(a): Sindy Paganiková

Popis materiálu:
Prezentace na otázku z angličtiny Endangered species. Věnuje se obecné charakteristice ohrožených druhů, jejich ochraně a popisu konkrétního ohroženého druhu (u maturity stačí popsat jeden).
}Endangered species
}Sindy Paganiková, IV. B
}Endangered species
}Considered to be at risk of extinction
◦There are so few left of their kind that
they could disappear from the planet altogether
}Threatened by this factors:
◦Loss of habitat
◦Climate change
}Declining population or a very limited range
}Many species going extinct before they have even been discovered
}Third of the world’s amphibians, a quarter of all mammals and one in eight birds are endangered
}Endangered species
}Cause for concern for us all
◦They add beauty and wonder to the natural world
◦Great global economic importance
◦A great diversity of species maintains the ecosystems necessary to our existence by helping to regulate our climate and by providing:
–clean air and water
–building and clothing materials
–fertile soils
}The ARKive project
◦through the emotive power of wildlife films and photos is working to help raise the public awareness of the world’s endangered species
}Conservation status
}Indicates how great the risk is of that species becoming extinct in the near future
}IUCN Red List of Threatened Species = the most global and comprehensive system
◦Determines the conservation status of each species – assessed according to:
–How many individuals there are
–Whether this number is in decline
}Conservation status
}à They are then placed on a scale in
one of the following categories:
◦Extinct in the Wild
◦Critically Endangered
◦Near Threatened
◦Least Concern
◦Data Deficient
}Vulnerable, Endangered and Critically Endangered are considered to be at risk of extinction
◦20 222 from nearly 60 000 species assessed so far
}Why are species
}Animals and plants face a large number of different threats – many of them are a direct result of human activity
◦Loss of habitat and habitat fragmentation
◦Hunting and poaching
◦Invasive species
◦Climate change
◦Collection / pet trade
}What is being done to help endangered species?
◦Protect the natural world and sustain biodiversity
–Carefully preserving and managing existing habitats
–Restoring areas which have been damaged or degraded
◦Conservation outside a species’ natural habitat
–Caring for an endangered animal in captivity (e. g. zoo)
–Preserving endangered plants – seed banks
}Habitat preservation
◦Creation of national parks and marine protected areas
}Habitat restoration
◦Managing the land, removing invasive species and reintroducing native species
}Ex-situ conservation
◦Many endangered species are bred in captivity to preserve their numbers – sometimes it is possible to reintroduce them to the wild
◦Plant species – cultivated in nurseries and preserved in seed banks
}What is being done to help endangered species?
}Anti-poaching measures
◦Guards to protect endangered species from poachers
}Wildlife corridors
◦Where habitats have been fragmented by separations (roads, urban areas, farmland etc.), populations become isolated
◦Wildlife corridors help to reconnect habitat fragments and maintain genetic diversity
}Laws and policies
◦Some endangered species are protected by law or trade in them is restricted
◦CITES (The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) = international agreement between governments à trade in wild animal and plant specimens does not threaten their survival
}Polar bear
Basic informations
}Body length: 2,5 m
}Height at withers: 1,5m
}Speed: Walking = 3 – 6,5 km/h; Sprinting = 40 km/h
}Age: 20 – 25 years (record – 34years)
}Intelligence: as smart as apes
}Extremely well developed sense of smell
}Food: Ringed seal, vegetation, geese, bird eggs, caribou (polar reindeer), whales, walruses, narwhals
}Polar bear
}Arctic Circle
}Canada (home to 60% of the polar bears)
}The U.S. (Alaska)
}Norway (the Svalbard archipelago)
}About 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears
}19 populations of polar bears (4 are declining, 5 are stable, 1 is increasing, 9 have insufficient data)
}Polar bear
Why are they endangered?
}The U.S listed them as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (May 2008)
}Climate changes – Sea ice losses in the Arctic from global warming – loss of habitat
◦They depend on sea ice for hunting, breeding, and in some cases, denning
}Inuit communities – hunting for meat and fur (warm cloths) – carefully regulated by a quota system
◦Unregulated hunting ended in 1973 with an international agreement among the polar bear nations
}Polar bear
Why are they endangered?
◦Black soot (settle on arctic snow and ice)
◦Chemicals discharge from ships and factories in ocean
◦Modern synthetic chemicals (polychlorinated biphenyl) – weak immune system à greater threat from parasites and disease; reproduction failure and malformed organs
}Polar bear
}Information resources
}Endangered species fact file [online]. [cit. 2015-11-02]. Dostupné z:
}Polar Bear Facts & Information [online]. [cit. 2015-11-02]. Dostupné z: