Téma prezentace: Prague
Typ souboru: prezentace PPTX
Přidal(a): verunka012
Popis materiálu:
Toto prezentace popisuje téma Praha v anglickém jazyce. Nechybí například základní informace, doprava, turistické destinace či kriminalita.
- Prague
By: Veronika Schlingerová
- Czech Republic
q In the central of Europe
qFormed January, 1, 1993
q 10.3 million inhabitants, 93% czech
q regions Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia
qOfficial language: czech
q since 200, part of EU
q January, 1, 2009- EU presidency
q continental climate
- Prague
q 1918, Capital city
q river Vltava
q 1.2 million people
q tourist destinations
q6th most visited European city
q true history
q varied collections of architecture …Barocco; Renaissance; Gothic, Neo-classical styles
Transportation system
q one of the best in Europe
q 2/3 people are using public tranport
- Metro
- Railway
- Trams
- Airport
- Taxi
- Problems – solutions
q Transport systém
- heavy traffic- most highways
Ø highways also in other cities
ØPeople should use more public transport
q Homeless people
- 6000 homeless
Ø collect money to build tents, wooden cottages
Ø provide for them jobs
q Crime
- main problem- pocket stealing
Ø set up cameras in the center
q Air pollution
- public transport
Ø use of bycicles
Ø ring roads