Téma prezentace: Jack Kerouac
Typ souboru: prezentace PPTX
Přidal(a): Petr Hájek
Popis materiálu:
Krátká a přehledná prezentace, která seznamuje se spisovatelem jménem Jack Kerouac. Materiál je v anglickém jazyce a je ideální jako pomůcka k maturitní zkoušce z AJ.
- Real name is Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac.
- He was born in 22th March 1922 in Massachusetts, USA and died in 21th October 1969 in Florida
- One of the most important representatives by beat generation
- He became famous mainly for his autobiographical novels.
- His family was originally from France, his mother language is French.
- His father often drank alcohol, soon died.
- He was an excellent athlete in high school (athletics and american football).
- With the sport he got to Columbia University in New York City, where he exellent writing essays.
- He was in prison, than he married with Edie Parker and his second wife was Joan Haverty
- After the publication of the novel On the Road, earned lot of money and spent it for alcohol
- He died on bleeding veins at 47 years.
- San Francisco Blues (1954)
- Mexico City Blues (1955)
- On the Road(1948-1956)
- The Town and the City (1950)
- Doctor Sax (1959)
Kerouac also wrote several works of travel, where he describes his experiences from his travels around the USA (for example The Dharma Bums)