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Food – jídlo (Aj)

Téma prezentace: Food
Typ souboru: prezentace PPTX
Přidal(a): Linda

Popis materiálu:
Jedná se o prezentaci do angličtiny na téma jídlo. Najdete zde: Animal Origin, Vegetables, Pulses, Nuts, Fruit, Seasoning, Bread, Side Dishes, Courses & Dishes, Cutlery.
›Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body
›plant or animal origin
›carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins etc.
›You can survive 3 weeks without food
›Animal Origin
›Dairy Products
›And other exotic kind of meat
›Tuna fish
›Dairy Products
›Cream – whipped, sour
›Plant Origin
›Green beans
›Cashew nut
›Brazil nut
›Pistachio nut
›Curry powder
›Red pepper
› Pastry
›Apple pie
›White bread
›Brown bread
›Wholemeal bread
›Pita bread
›Side Dishes
›Mashed potatoes
›French fries
›Courses & Dishes
›Starter, Appetiser
›Main course
›Dessert, afters
›Puding, sweets
›Fork, spoon, knife
›Cup & saucer
›Sweet X Sour
›Sweet X Bitter
›Salty X Sugary
›Tasty X Tasteless
›Hot, spicy
›Under/over cooked
›Eating Places
›Complete the sentences
›loaf of                       spicy                  grill                          bland                      a pint
›A: I am going to shop? Do you want anything?
B: Yeah we are out of milk and buy a _________ bread too.
›A: So did you enjoy the meal?
B: Well it was a bit too ______  for my liking. I guess you used too much chilli.
› A: Peter is having barbecue tomorrow. Do you think he knows how to _____  a steak?
›A: Would you pass me some salt please? It is quite _______.
B: Sure, no problem.
›A: So what will you have?
B: ______ of Guinness please.
›Thanks for your attention J